Alternating Occlusion Training, also referred to as Electronic Rapid Alternate Occlusion, is an approach to Intermittent Central Suppression in vision therapy, in which electronic devices such as programmable shutter glasses or goggles are used to block the field of view of one eye in rapid alternation.

When performing Alternating Occlusion Training, the person wears the occlusion goggle for one hour per day while performing near point activities, such as reading, writing, puzzles, coloring or tracing activities. Do this daily for 30 to 40 days. Wearing the device encourages or forces the alternating use of both eyes, similar to eye patching, but rapidly alternating in time. The aim is to circumvent the tendency to suppress the field of view of the weaker eye and to train the capacity for binocular vision.



The use of the patch generally alternates on a daily or weekly basis between the two eyes, with a long time duration for the patching of the stronger eye and a shorter duration for the patching of the weaker eye.


Strabismic or amblyopic children are often required to wear an eye patch for hours or days. In contrast to eye patching, training with occlusion goggles allows to use rapid rates of alternation. The flicker rates at which the occlusion is alternated between the two eyes in alternating occlusion training are generally much slower than those employed by the widespread active shutter 3D glasses for viewing 3D television or cinema.

N2 Reading Glasses are based on this principle of Alternate Occlusion Training.  Dr. Miller has been using this technique in his private office since 1994 and has resolved many children’s reading problems.